Swampraptor - Dossier
An Indoraptor Variant
Unlike in the movie we are familiar with, InGen and Jurassic World did not fail–whether this be due to successful continued containment of the Indominus Rex, or successful recapture or termination of the breached asset. With the successful creation of the Indominus Rex, came the next step of Dr. Henry Wu’s experimentation at behest of the Military: “That one, a fraction of the size–deadly, intelligent, able to hide from the most advanced military technology. A living weapon unlike anything we’ve ever seen.”
With greater funding from the Military and InGen behind him, Wu was able to perfect the Indoraptor. Highly intelligent, trainable with incredible situational reasoning, and easily handleable, the base Indoraptor proved to be an unmatched weapon on the battlefield.
Funding was provided to create new variations for a variety of battlefields. Prototypes were kept at Jurassic World for observance until their genomes were perfected. Well composed specimens were put on display–the weaker prototypes were kept in pens away from the eyes of the public.

Based on the success of previous prototypes, a water-based Indoraptor was designed for missions that took agents into marshy, muddy, and wet environs. Starting with the base genome, the swamp Indoraptor came in at 9 feet tall and 25 feet long, and weighed just under 1 ton. It retains it’s faculative bipedalism, able to run and walk on either all fours or two legs, depending on the situation in order to maintain balance at all times. Specimens were shown to be able to leap it’s length in height, and climb with ease using it’s large killing claw as assistance–even on the slipperiest of surfaces.
The swamp Indoraptor’s genome was bolstered with ancient crocodilians such as sarcosuchus to supply the animal with a stronger and more effective paddle tail, and crocodilian-shaped head, complete with a comparably intense bite pressure to either immediately crush limbs, or to grab and drag targets to a watery grave. Similar to it’s contemporary crocodilian counterparts, it had bullet-resistant scales and scutes–a must-have for any battlefield.
This prototype was given chromatophores like it’s Indominus Rex predecessor to test it’s lethality on an ever-shifting battlefield. Primarily dark in color, it’s infamous “racing stripe” was purple or blue, though able to shift due to its chromatophores. It had quill-like protofeathers, but these may have been an unintended result as they didnt seem to serve any tactical purpose–though they seemed to be a communication tool to portray body language.
The swamp Indoraptor had a large range of vocalizations, from roars and barks to honks and chirps, including subsonic range in order to communicate long distance and through water. Curiously, they seemed to have mastered a non-vocal set of communications as well, observed by tapping their killing claw on rocks, trees, concrete, metal–anything that could transfer sound. Prototypes housed in pens adjacent to one another were found to share what could be considered “language”. Handlers reported similar in siblings raised, trained, and deployed together–these teams boasted the highest mission success ratios.
Various prototypes displayed extreme tenacity, and varying levels of ferocity, with the most violent having to be terminated due to repeated escapes to kill other prototypes. Swamp Indoraptors were trained with pulse lasers and a sonic cue just like their earlier counterparts were. They react similarly to a cat with a laser pointer, and interactive displays were set up for guests to play with the prototypes in said fashion. Live prey was often used to test prototypes’ abilities, and as a show to the public.

Today’s specimen in particular displayed cold, calculating curiosity, able to be handled, but only if treated with respect–dignity even. Standard viability testing gauged her intelligence to be extraordinary, though her keepers reported they felt she was.. hiding more. She displayed exceptional curiosity at the sounds outside her pen, even the ability to mimic–to a certain extent–the sounds of other dinosaurs within the park. Test subjects introduced to her pen were met with intrigue, at points even adopted before their untimely expiry–due to their own flaws, not her violence.