System Asks
How does being a system affect you irl?

my systemmates help a lot with tasks and especially memory or common sense things that my adhd loses. recently, it was joked in one of my discord groups about shoving out front a headmate that doesnt mind doing a chore, to do said chore, but honestly, that’s kinda how it works for us. (except no one else has fronted alone lol)
thur lends me his confidence, sin helps me with emotional turmoil, key helps me puzzle things out, uchak keeps up my spirits, chief helps keep me focused. only one person irl knows i’m plural, and because we dont fully switch between members, it doesnt impact me socially
Any fun inner world adventures?

all the time lol thur, sin, and key are from the same source, (different races and all xenophobic cultures) so their quip fights are insanely entertaining. it was culture shock when chief joined us, but they’ve come to learn to hold their own lol
the most memorable adventure, though, was long before i even learned about otherkinity. Key’s race is colloquially known as “Dwarf” and like any good dwarf, he digs. he quite literally dug up my godkin type i was suppressing.
it was funny when chief was smacking das with a newspaper because they though deir impatience broke the server they admin again. when it turned out to not have been the case, das got gentle noms in repentance.
We have an insys joke that started when Key asked Uchak why she's so short. Thurvayn scolded him, saying "you cant just ask someone why they're short." It has since evolved into a meme template that I love reprimanding the punch line, mostly Daski. Eg; Daski asked Wenduag why she has so many legs, and I replied "Das, you cant just ask someone why they have so many legs". Dei got so mad lol
Any trinkets you wear or carry irl to feel more like yourself?

das is insanely bad at remembering to put on jewlery lol dei keep forgetting to put deir nonbinary cobra pin somewhere that they’ll carry it everywhere with them

look the last time i had pins on my hip bag, they tore my lease’s steering wheel to shreds, i cant do that.

you put those pins on your lanyard tho

no one sees them tho :(

I am daski’s home screen image on deir phone :)

Das has a Gigantamax Corviknight shirt that dei wear every chance dei get and if i were a pokemon i’d be a corviknight!

i have a couple keychains that i ordered on our backpack, that have gotten complements
Do you have a space inner world? Whats it like?

we do, and i wish to take credit for helping das build it.

i was having a lot of trouble getting in touch/seeing my systemmates and headspace when chief arrived. they really, really did help.
the space we live in changes to the individual’s whim, such as bedrooms or features in the kitchen, living room, etc. currently, it’s a large, open concept.. beach house, if i can really equate it to any architecture in real life. the main area is the living room, with one wall being huge bay windows that look out onto a balcony and that balcony sits over a river. theres a kitchen off to the left of the livingroom if you’re looking at the balcony, and where the windows end is a fireplace, and there’s a cozier sitting area to the right of that area. a wall with an enormous brackish fishtank separates the livingroom with the library, and doors dotting the library walls lead to everyone’s bedrooms. everything is pale blue or white driftwood in color, except personal aspects (thur’s chair is dark blue for example)
to the left of the kitchen is a downstairs to key and chief’s workshop. it’s enormous and open air, (other than the walls and ceiling to the house above) overlooking the river. i havent seen anyone’s bedrooms except uchak’s, and it’s decked out in red and black with an enormous bed.
i’m almost certain that the other houses we’ve “lived” in in headspace exist elsewhere. straying too far from the current house feels… like a bad idea. i dont know why. i know the space is enormous, and my dormant subsystem’s manor is somewhere around too, i can feel it.