Nickname: Dam
Age: ~185
Gender: Male
Pronouns: he/him
Romantic Orientation: Heteroromantic
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual
Moral Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Positive Traits: Careful, Protective, Serious
Negative Traits: Irascible, Rash, Abrasive
Hobbies/Pastimes: travelling, listening to music
Favorite Color: scarlet
Species: Vampire
Hair Color/Style: Black, shoulder-blade length with streaks of scarlet dyed
Eye Color: bright blue
Height: 6'2"
Body Type/Build: mesomorphic
Skin Color: very pale white
Handedness: left handed
Posture: tall and proper
Voice: medium-higher pitched masculine, growly, with an early 1800's deep southern accent
Default Expression: resting bitch face
Soft Spot/Vulnerability: their estranged wife and son
Opinion On Swearing: all the fuckin' time
Morale: only scrap if it looks like victory, otherwise high-tail it; feral fight if cornered/protecting the system
Drink/Smoke/Drugs: yes, only cigars, and not really
Family & Origin
Source: Das' paracosm; alternate Earth
Parents: mother died in childbirth, father died of tuberculosis
Siblings: none
Marriage Status: estranged
Born and Raised: South Carolina