Sin's Werecard

Theriotype: werelion
Shifting Ability: physical, mental, phantom
Birthdate: January 23rd
Birthplace: Shimmerene, Alinor
Home Territory: mountains of Alinor
Dream Territory: incredibly dense, isolated forest
Physical Description, Mer: 6'4" tall, pale golden skin, strawberry blonde hair, heterochromia - Right eye: Emerald Green; Left Eye: Amber
Physical Description, Were: between 9' and 10' tall on hind legs, pale golden fur, strawberry blonde mane
Career: healer, clergymer
Hobbies/Interests: reading, travelling
Favorite Literature: theological and philosophical texts, pirate novels
Favorite Season: spring
Feelings Toward Vampires: neutral-favorable
Feelings Toward Normal Humans: anxiety
Ideal Lifestyle: isolated, living with my beloved
Personal Therianthropy:

My ailuranthropy is literal, physical. I was infected while on a trip that went horribly wrong.

The lion is both a blessing and a curse. I wish to live unnoticable, unseen, unpercieved and the lion is everything that is the opposite. However, it is also what I needed; I have self-confidence issues, and it is a tad difficult to be self-conscious when one is quite literally capable of the power to fix many situations.