The River System's Alterhuman Dictionary


Alterhuman a

Conglomerate of "alternate" or "alternative" and "human". The ultimate umbrella term that seeks to give community to all experiences that are not "Normal Humanity". It's left purposefully vague to be as inclusive as possible. Experiences that can be included include Plurality, Furries, Otherkin, Therian, etc.

Awaken(ed/ing) a

The process or moment of one realizing they are alterhuman. Typically used to denote the exact point in which one begins identifying as alterhuman, but is also commonly used to describe the moment one finds the community and realizes that being alterhuman exists as a concept, and being able to put a name to their experiences.



Clado- (therian/mythic/kin)

An identity that encompasses more than one individual species of a clade or group. Example; all species of large cats, all species of canines, some types of dragons.

Clinical Lycanthropy

The delusion that one is, has, or is currently physically becoming a werecreature. Technically, CL can fall under the alterhuman umbrella, but is not to be confused with otherkin or therian. Clinical Lycanthropes find community and resources within the alterhuman community, and often have other alterhuman identities along side their delusion.

Co-Fronting a

A plurality term, denoting the phenomena of two or more members controlling the body at the same time.

Copinglink(er) a

An identity that an alterhuman has fostered in order to bring comfort from mental illness, trauma, or other stressors. This can be voluntary or involuntary, but is much more commonly understood to be voluntary.


Dæmon (Daemon) a

The manifestation of one's subconscious in the form of a thoughtform. Based off the His Dark Materials trilogy by Phillip Pullman, but has been reworked to "work" in our world. Daemons and their person blur the lines of plurality, and it is up to the pair to define whether they are plural or not.