The River System's Alterhuman Dictionary


Endel(ic) a

An alterhuman identity that's rooted in or influenced by one's delusions.

Endogenic a

A plural term, denoting that the formation of one's plurality was not caused by trauma. Such methods can include tulpamancy, soulbonding, and spiritual posession.

Exotrauma a

An intra-community catch-all term for traumatic experiences that happened to a person, while not in this life, but continues to effect them to this day.


Factive a

A plural term that denotes a member's source is non-fictional in nature, such as a family member, celebrity, or historical figure.


A temporary identity in which one identifies as a fictional entity. These flickers tend to be short, but it's not unheard of for longer flickers to occur.

Fictive a

A plural term that denotes a member's source is fictional in nature, such as a fictional character or species.

Fictomere a

An all-encompassing relational term that denotes a fictional alterhuman identity. It's not quite an umbrella term, but moreso used as a shorthand, and was created to avoid the mouthful of refering to all the various fiction-based identities that exist individually. Terms that it encompasses include fictionkin, hearthomes, fictives, etc.



1) An individual or group of individuals who work to prevent knowledge from being passed on.
2) A plural archetypea in which (a) member(s) exerts control over the system/collective in certain ways. Typically these are to allow or deny entry into the system/collective/headspace or to oversee the fronters.

Greymuzzle a

Borrowed from the furry fandom, this term has many different definitions, based on who you ask. In general, the two most common definitions are;
1) An individual who is over a certain age. Typically this is seen as when one has a "grey muzzle" but the accepted age seems to slide around all the time.
2) Much more common in the alterhuman community, is an individual who has been in the community for a long time. Considering the online presence of the community is relatively young, this number is also relatively small, sometimes starting at 5 years, but most often 10. It slides around a lot as well, so quite often this definition instead changes a bit into who has contributed a lot to the community, or sometimes also includes community historians.
In the alterhuman community, this is a given term, and it's seen as a red flag, or disrespectful to self-assign. This came about due to people claiming to be a greymuzzle for clout or undue respect.


-hearted (suffix)

An alterhuman identity in which one identifies with a concept or entity. There are various ways to experience 'heartness, from feeling akin to something, to feeling as though you should have been that thing.
The syntax for using 'hearted is [entity]-hearted. It is used as a suffix in the following terms:

  • Animal-hearted

    Individuals who feel a close connection or deep appreciation for animals. Eg; Snake-hearted.

  • Fiction-hearted

    Individuals who feel a close connection or deep appreciation for a fictional character or species. Eg; Rapunzel-hearted.

  • Other-hearted a

    Catch-all term for individuals who feel a close connection or deep appreciation for nonhuman entities. Eg; Ocean-hearted.

Headmate a

A plural term, referring to the members of a system/collective. A general and inclusive term, can be used to refer to systemmates and/or non-systemmates who happen to be present within the system/collective's headspace.

Headspace a

The place in which the members of a system/collective reside, though singlets are capable of having and interacting with headspaces as well. There are different theories on what exactly headspaces are, including a mental mindscape that is simply built and reinforced, to a whole other plane of existence.