The River System's Alterhuman Dictionary



An alterhuman who identifies as an animal, or experiences animality.
Created in 1993, the term saw use along side it's predecessor "phenotype" as well as werecreature terminology such as "weresides". Originally inclusive to all animals, in the early 2000's and well into the mid 2010's the term was gatekept into being redefined as "earthen-animal". There currently is a crusade to reclaim the term for all animals; thus, sources for any therian-related terminology in the dictionary should be read with this in mind.
It is used as a denotive prefix or suffix in the following terms:

  • Fictherian a

    A term Daski coined! A conglomerate of "fiction" and "therian", it denotes a therian identity that is rooted in a fictional source.

  • Paleotherian a

    A therian subidentity in which one identifies as an extinct animal, such as dinosaurs.

  • Theriomythic a

    A therian subidentity in which one identifies as a mythical animal, such as unicorns or dragons.

Theta-Delta a

The Therian symbol. Written in unicode as θΔ

-type (suffix)

A denotive suffix for different alterhuman terminology, it's used in the following terms:

  • Fictotype

    The entity in which one identifies as, whose source is fictional.

  • Hearttype a

    The entity in which one has a deep connection with.

  • Kardiatype a

    An entity in which one had a pastlife as, but no longer currently identifies as, though the experience still forms a core part of that individual's identity.

  • Kintype a

    The entity in which one identifies as. Generic and catch-all term for all "identifies as" 'types.

  • Linktype a

    The entity in which one identifies as through 'linking.

  • Paratype a

    An entity that one heavily relates to due to it's similarity or kinship to another of one's types. Paratypes can be or feel similar to hearttypes in this aspect, but the distinction comes from it's relation to another 'type. Eg; feeling an intrinsic connection to deer, due to a wolf kintype, and their interplay in nature.

  • Theriotype a

    The species of animal that one identifies as.

  • Vaguetype

    A purposefully open-ended term for an identity that cant be labeled, or that one doesnt want to label. Can be used on it's own, but also refers to the entity that one identifies as/with when using the term Othervague.

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