The River System's Alterhuman Dictionary


Noema(ta) a

Syntax: Noema, singluar; noemata, plural. The inherent knowledge about one's alterhumanity that may or may not have any logical basis on how one would have that information. This can include memories, experiences (that arent memories), knowlege of how you had appeared, life, habitat, etc. It is a catch-all term that includes known information regardless of cause of one's identity.

Nonhuman a

Catch-all term for any alterhuman that has a non-human component to their identity. Can be used as a standalone identity, or as a descriptor for other identities such as otherkin or therian.


Otherlink(er) a

Similar to Copinglink, otherlinkers have voluntarily fostered an identity in which they identify as an entity, though not for coping reasons. Over time, otherlinks can become kintypes if one reinforces the 'link enough so that it becomes an intrinsic and involuntary part of their identity.

Othervague a

A catch-all term for an identity in which the source or connection to the identity is deemed unimportant, or is so muddled that one doesnt care to put another term to it. Its whole purpose is to be open to interpretation and inclusion for anyone who needs it.


(Super Numerary) Phantom Limb

A nonphysical and permanent manifestation and sensation of having a limb or internal body map that one does not nor has never had before. Common phantom limbs are tails, claws, horns, and wings. Often shortened to phantom limb, technically Super Numerary Phantom Limb is the correct term for this experience. This is not solely an alterhuman experience, as there are recorded cases of non-kin experiencing this as well; it's just very prevalent within the alterhuman community.