The River System's Alterhuman Dictionary



A plural term, denoting that a member's source is based on an external source, such as a real person or a fictional character.



KFF (Kin(ning)-for-Fun) a

A misunderstanding and eventual bastardization of alterhumanity/otherkinity by non-kin that heard of the community, but never dug any deeper. The early generations of KFF misused "otherkin" and "Fictionkin" as a label for being roleplayers, or "identifying with" an entity. Eventually, KFF twisted their meager understanding of alterhumanity into groups:
1) Kin means to relate to something. This turned into non-kin harassing alterhumans, claiming anyone who actually identified as a fictional character or nonhuman entity to be mentally ill.
2) People who found comfort in identifying as alterhuman, but didnt have the proper terminology or connection to the community to be able to communicate their experiences correctly. This section can be found today calling themselves IRLs (in-real-lifes), a twisted but synonymous term for "identifying as".


A denotive suffix for various alterhuman terminology. Typically it's written as 'kin today, but orginally started as 'kind. There's no hard evidence of how exactly it got shortened, but it's been theorized it was a typo that eventually became linguistic drift. 'Kind is coming back into use in several cases, as kinfolk tave tried to find ways to distance themselves from KFF.
It is used in the following terms:

  • Conceptkin

    An alterhuman identity where one identifies as a concept, such as the void or math.

  • Fictionkin(d)

    An alterhuman identity where one identifies as a fictional entity, such as Harry Potter or a nightfury dragon.

  • Otherkin a

    An alterhuman identity where one identifies as a nonhuman entity. Over time, Otherkin has been used as an umbrella term, at points in time taking therian and fictionkin under its wings, but is best understood as a standalone identity with healthy overlap in experience with other terms within the alterhuman umbrella.

  • Plantkin a

    Also known as Phytanthrope. An alterhuman identity where one identifies as a species of plant.



Multiple a

Synonym to Plural, refers to the phenomena of more than one entities inhabiting one body. Multiple may be the prefered choice in terminology for some systems/collectives.

Multiverse Theory

The theory in which an infinite number of universes exist. Its a favored choice for many spiritual alterhumans to explain their experiences, why they are here, and/or incongruences between themselves, others, and the "canon" of any possible sources.